16 min read

Traffic management

Last updated August 2022

This chapter outlines the steps you should take to manage traffic risks if there are vehicles or mobile plant in your workplace.

What is traffic management?

Definition: Traffic Management

Traffic management is the introduction of controls to reduce the risk of collisions in your workplace, including measures designed to separate vehicles, mobile plant and pedestrians.

You will need to undertake traffic management if your workplace has:

  • mobile plant, such as forklifts, skid steers, pallet movers or elevated work platforms; and
  • any other traffic entering the workplace, including:
    • the personal vehicles of workers and visitors; and
    • work-related vehicles, e.g. vehicles used to pick up or deliver goods and materials.
Definition: Workplace

Workplace legally means any place where work is performed, including anyplace where a worker goes or is likely to be while at work.
